Portfolio Boss Documentation

Managing Your Strategies



At the top of the “Strategy Management” page, there are buttons for managing your strategies: create a new strategy, create a new group (folder), duplicate a strategy, create a backup file for the strategy, import a strategy, and delete or reset a strategy.



1.  To create a new strategy, click the “New” button (at the top-left corner of this page). From the dropdown menu that appears, choose “Strategy”. You can also press the keyboard shortcut Ctrl + N.



The “Add Strategy” dialog appears, where you can give a name for that strategy, choose what strategy type it will be, and place it on a certain group. Then press OK. You are immediately taken to the Backtest Strategy Page where you can customize the strategy's rules and portfolios.



If you also want to create a new group (where the new strategy will be placed into), simply type the group's name without selecting any of the existing groups. 

Note, if you don't give a name to the strategy, it'll be simply named “New Strategy”, or “New Strategy – Copy (2)”, and so on.




2.  To create a new a group (without creating a new strategy as well), click the “New” button and choose “Group” from the dropdown. You can also use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl + G.



The “Add Group” dialog shows up, where you can give it a name. Simply press OK and the new group is created.

To rename a group, click exactly on the group's name, and type the new name; then press Enter. Note you can't rename the “Licensed Strategies” group.



You can drag and drop any strategy from one group to another. Doing so will move that strategy toward that group. Keep in mind you can't move a strategy to (and from) the “Licensed Strategies” group.



To delete a group, first make sure it doesn't contain any strategies (by moving or deleting its strategies). Once it's empty, you'll see a “Delete” button below the group's name. Click that button and the group is gone.




3.  The Backtest button takes you to the Backtest Strategy page. Make sure you have selected a strategy here, so you can customize its parameters on that page. Note, double-clicking a strategy here will also take you there.




4.  To duplicate a strategy, select it and press the “Copy” button. 



The duplicate has the suffix ” – Copy” added to the original name, and it's placed on whatever group you copied that strategy from. But if you copied a strategy from the “Licensed Strategies” group, the duplicate is placed at “My Strategies” group.

By default there's the notification dialog after you press the “Copy” button, informing you that the strategy is successfully copied. You can prevent that dialog from showing up again by ticking the checkbox “Don't show this dialog again”:



Note, some licenses don't have the ability to duplicate licensed strategies (the “Copy” button is grayed out). Copying licensed strategies lets you modify and improve upon them without affecting the original strategy. If you wish to upgrade your license, please contact our Customer Support team.



5.  The Backup button creates a backup file for the selected strategy. You can put this file anywhere, or send it to your fellow Portfolio Boss users. 



To backup a strategy: select the strategy, click the “Backup” button, and a save-dialog appears where you can specify the name and address of the backup file. It's saved as an EBTS file (where the “S” stands for Strategy).

Note, you can only backup strategies from your custom groups (not the “Licensed Strategies” group). And when you backup a multi-strategy, its component strategies (basic strategies) are also included in that EBTS file.



6.  To import a strategy, click the “Restore” button. The File-Explorer opens, where you can select the EBTS file:



Once you opened the file, PB will ask you which group to put the strategy into. Select the group from the dropdown, and press OK (you can put it to any group other than the “Licensed Strategies”). You can also open the strategy immediately after it's restored, by ticking the checkbox “After restoring, open…”. Then you'll be brought to its Backtest Strategy Page.

Now, if the EBTS file name is different from the strategy's name (as set in PB), another confirmation dialog appears, asking you which name to use:



Note, you can only import one strategy at a time. Unless you import a multi-strategy (a single EBTS file containing that multi-strategy), in which case you'll also import its component strategies (its basic strategies) to Portfolio Boss.



7.  To delete a strategy, you must select it and press the “Delete” button at the top of this page. You can't simply press the keyboard's Delete button.



A confirmation dialog appears; simply press Yes.

If that strategy is used by a Multi (or Meta) strategy, a warning dialog shows up asking for your confirmation.



Keep in mind you can't delete any of the “Licensed Strategies” (no “Delete” button is present if you select a licensed strategy).

That button is replaced with the “Reset” button for reverting any of the licensed strategies into their default state (if you manipulated its parameters on the “Backtest Strategy” page).






To unselect a strategy, hold down the Ctrl key while clicking that strategy.




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