Is this the next Enron?
Corona Del Mar, CA
Howdy Friend!
Jim Chanos wasn't fooled.
He knew something was wildly wrong at Enron.
In reading the footnotes of Enron's 10-K filed with the SEC, Jim discovered that separate entities who traded with Enron were being run by Enron executives.
To top it off, senior executives were selling their shares of stocks.
Their broadband business was supposedly doing well while the rest of the market was getting killed.
Where there's smoke, there's fire, so he shorted it.
When the fraud was uncovered, no one wanted to believe it. Chanos was in a very lonely place going against the herd. But it was true.
Enron went from a market cap of $70 billion at its peak in 2000, to zero by 2002.
I've been reading some research from Edward Dowd, formerly of Blackrock, where he helped manage billions in funds.
He started seeing the proverbial smoke in Pfizer's clinical data last year.
This wouldn't be the first time they got in trouble. Pfizer holds the record for biggest fine at $2.3 billion...which included bribing doctors.
A whistleblower confirmed that Pfizer had unblinded the study of their mRNA product, which completely invalidates the conclusions of the trial.
After contacting the FDA, she was fired by the company that contracts with Pfizer.
Adding fuel to his case for fraud is that the FDA argued it was going to drag its heels until 2076 before releasing all the Pfizer data. A judge struct that down and they start releasing data next month.
If fraud was involved, Pfizer could lose its immunity from damages.
Is Mr. Dowd correct? Is Pfizer the next Enron? I don't know. I wouldn't be a bit surprised after all the funny business of the past two years.
Let's look at the numbers...
Looking at short interest data, it's at a 1-year high. Higher short interest ratios are associated with negative returns...meaning that it's predictive. Although the Meme stock craze of 2020 showed the asymmetric risk in shorting these stocks.
The stock itself has been a target of our Part-time Market Making program, with a few successful trades over the past year.
Only the most predictable stocks are targeted for PTMM.
I'll tell you something about short's by far the hardest thing to do to make a profit.
That's why you don't hear much about guys like Chanos or Michael Burry after they hit their home run.
Lighting doesn't seem to strike twice.
That's why I'd much rather get it right on thousands of small trades than a grand slam.
And let's face it, pouring through 10-K filings makes a trip to the dentist sound fun.
If doing the detective work on a bunch of stocks is your cup of tea, then you probably WON'T want this BRAND NEW PDF guide.
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Step 5: Additional Resources
The Relaxed Investor (The simple strategy proven to work since 1926. Downloaded by over 200,000 readers)
The Ghost of Bernie Madoff is Not Yet Dead (Is your broker on the naughty list? Many traders have no idea they're being sold out)
The Ultimate Crash Detector (The strange weekly report that helps predict crashes. LIVE trading signals since 2006)
Portfolio Boss User Guide (Our flagship strategy building platform User Guide. See what it can do to help you on you quest for F U money)
Trading With Other People's Money - Coming Soon!
Bit-coin for Busy People (How to get started with Bit-coin in under an hour without the complicated new exchanges, high fees, and complicated wallets)
Disclaimer: The results listed herein are based on hypothetical trades. Plainly speaking, these trades were not actually executed. Hypothetical or simulated performance results have certain inherent limitations. Unlike an actual performance record, simulated results do not represent actual trading. Also, since the trades have not actually been executed, the results may have under (or over) compensated for the impact, if any, of certain market factors such as lack of liquidity. You may have done better or worse than the results portrayed.