#1 Most Over-looked Method to Slay the Demon

Corona Del Mar, CA


Howdy Friend!


Elon Musk says A.I is like summoning the demon.


Sounds creepy right?


What he means is that just like a genie and his three wishes, you never get what you really want.


If you wish for a million bucks, one million male deer rain from the sky and squash you.


When you use A.I, it tends to do things you don't want.


For example, you tell A.I to build you an index trading strategy with a 100% win rate.

"As you wish," says the A.I genie...


And it proceeds to build a strategy that simply buy and holds SPY from inception until today.


Then you realize that you need to put the A.I in a well-articulated sandbox.


You tell it that you want an index (SPY) strategy with these Fitness Functions:


- An annual growth rate of 20% which is way better than most pros

- A max drawdown of 15% so you don't have to pop Tums ever hour

- Every year is profitable

- Profit factor of at least 1.7 so you're not just making your broker $$$

- And at least 500 trades per trading rule so it's simple (simple is what works)


Then you press Start, and the A.I builds strategies with these rules in mind.

But there's another Fitness Function that few think about.

I was talking with a new member of the Dirty Dozen about building trading strategies. (Membership is closed, so this isn't a sales pitch)


What he said wasn't Top Secret or anything so I'll share his comment with you.


He basically said that if a strategy hasn't made money in three months, he has trouble trading it.


With that in mind, I told him there are two solutions:


1) He can simply add a Fitness Function called Max Drawdown days. It's often over-looked.


If could try adding a "Max drawdown days" with a setting of "60."


Now the A.I will punish strategies that have longer periods underwater.


The second solution?

2) Trade strategies in different asset classes!

There is no Holy Grail strategy out there.


The Holy Grail is to trade several different strategies together.


That way when one zigs, the others are zagging.


For example, instead of just trading stocks for smooth gains, you should also trade bonds, commodities, gold, even a bit of Bitcoin.


And for even smooth gains, trade them all short too!


That can easily be accomplished today with ETFs.


There are even 3x leveraged ETFs like TQQQ/SQQQ so just a little bit can go a long way.


Most retail traders do not need the added complexity of futures.


And that's not just my opinion...money in these ETFs has absolutely exploded in recent years.


Want to learn more about about using A.I to build strategies across a wide variety of markets?


I've commissioned this no sales pitch guide for you:


Click here to read it >>

Trade smart,

Dan "Prince of Proof" Murphy


Wondering how to get started?

Step 1Looking for more consistent profits?

Get a free copy of my book: Artificial Intelligence, Real Profits here >>

Step 2Want to build a trading strategy in under 10 minutes?

Watch this free training video >> (Scroll down the page)

Step 3: Want A.I to build tailor-made trading strategies for you?

A.I is beating people at just about anything related to numbers and data. Nearly every billion-$$$ hedge fund now uses A.I to boost profits.

Watch a demo of The Boss "SuperAi" Strategy Builder as we harness the raw power of 3500 computer cores and strong A.I.

During the presentation, you'll learn: How to Generate Consistent Retirement Income Using "SuperAi-Designed" Trading Strategies. Click here >>

Step 4: Looking to discover new trading ideas to help grow your nest egg?

Online training to vastly improve your trading with A.I.

Watch the podcast >> | Read the blog >>

Step 5: Additional Resources

The Relaxed Investor (The simple strategy proven to work since 1926. Downloaded by over 200,000 readers)

The Ghost of Bernie Madoff is Not Yet Dead (Is your broker on the naughty list? Many traders have no idea they're being sold out)

The Ultimate Crash Detector (The strange weekly report that helps predict crashes. LIVE trading signals since 2006)

Portfolio Boss User Guide (Our flagship strategy building platform User Guide. See what it can do to help you on you quest for F U money)

Trading With Other People's Money - Coming Soon!

Bit-coin for Busy People (How to get started with Bit-coin in under an hour without the complicated new exchanges, high fees, and complicated wallets)

Disclaimer: The results listed herein are based on hypothetical trades. Plainly speaking, these trades were not actually executed. Hypothetical or simulated performance results have certain inherent limitations. Unlike an actual performance record, simulated results do not represent actual trading. Also, since the trades have not actually been executed, the results may have under (or over) compensated for the impact, if any, of certain market factors such as lack of liquidity. You may have done better or worse than the results portrayed.

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