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The Boss "SuperAi" Strategy Builder Application
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I'm Very Blessed To Be Part Of The Founding Members
Aloha Dan and team! I'm very blessed to be part of the founding members! I'm also thankful to Adam, who worked with me during an acute medical issue, to make sure I was a member. Ironically when I first learned about you, Dan/the relaxed investor, I thought you were too prideful and hesitated to buy any of your programs. But after reading through your free reports, attending seminars, and listening closely to your investing nuances and experience it became clear that we both shared similar things … one of which is PROOF! Honestly I believe it is priceless to have an evidence-based trading system that can also be updated as necessary to verify its algorithm/strategy is still working efficiently. I have purchased a different company's product years ago, and even though it is also algorithm-based and capable of backtests, it is NOT in the same league in regards to customizations, testing and real results … and that's prior to salivating over the 1/2hr data and cyber code coming soon. My desire for truth has led me to improve in many areas of my life and now has led me to you and my financial growth… and my trade account has been growing quickly. I am now cautiously optimistic. Aloha and God bless.
Isaac Kama - Portfolio Boss Founders Club Member

I Very Much Admire Your Approach and Love Your Tried and Tested Strategies
Hi Dan, My portfolio is only small and frankly i did not do very well.
I more and more stepped out of the market and let the bank manage my money. Only recently, using the Portfolio Boss Devine Engine i shrugged off some of the fears and got back. Back into this crazy market we are in right now. And i am very happy that i did. My portfolio gained 9.8% in the first 6 weeks of 2021, even while i am only 60% invested. I am not the day trader type and stick to a strategy with periodically switching. I very much admire your approach and love your tried and tested strategies. Thanx for your commitment!
Wim Fleuren - Portfolio Boss Founders Club Member

It Is Amazing What You and Your Team Have Accomplished In a Short Amount Of Time
Good morning Dan. Nice job on the call yesterday. I am very excited for the cyber code deployment. It is amazing what you and your team have accomplished in such a short amount of time. You have given the small investor a chance to make money consistently and safely. Before purchasing Portfolioboss I never had a strategy. I was consistently moving from one shiny thing to another. Buying access to strategy after strategy, news letter after news letter. I had come to the realization that no matter what I did the cards were stacked against me. Then on day, I stumbled across your website “million dollar target”. For whatever reason, I started to following your posts and blogs. Always looking forward to the next. They resonated with me. They were so different from everything else that was out there at the time. I slowly started subscribing to your solutions over the years and slowly started building confidence and most importantly, making money. Oh how far you have come! As a member of Unite and Founders Club, I feel there is no limit of what we can accomplish together. The only fear I have, is there a world that you sell Portfolioboss to a hedge fund or private investor, and me and the other founders lose access? I know you have said that you would never do that, but the thought is always on my mind. 2020 has been a banner year! With the launch of founders club and the ability to let the “Boss” create the strategies for me, I have made about $80,000. Recouping my investment in the Boss and much more. From a percentage standpoint I am up about 80% for the year. Need I say more. Dan thank you for everything!
Craig Strong - Portfolio Boss Founders Club Member

So Got Back On The Horse Like Seabiscuit Closed The Year Up Over 30%
So when I purchased the initial BOSS ( before AI added) I was was very conservative – using smaller amounts traded DB transactions, Oracle , SMI (SPY) SMI Stocks – Anyway made back in the 1st year the cost of subscription. 2020 turned out to be a GREAT GREAT trading year although FEB again made me have my doubts- but had faith in the concept and models, back testing and consistence over the years of what was possible. So got back on the horse and like Seabiscuit closed the year up over 30%. Would have been even larger but did not cease trading SMI and SMI stocks which held me back since was in Bonds when the market took off . Also only invested a fixed amount rather than reinvesting winnings.. However from Dec 1 2020 through today have made $50,000 each month ( including FEB) in 3 days. A couple of reasons – DB transaction was gang busters, I for some reason started using ATLAS orders again, and I created using the Boss a couple of my own models using a created portfolio ( from another service who list 26 relative best performers each month ( If we have the 1 on 1 can give you more info.) So from using only $400,000 ( added about $200,000) towards end of 2020) have made over $250,000 in 13 months. I continue to trade 7 strategies now, some trade once per month, others every day. The key is fully trusting that in some models' there was no losing years or very few and that allows me the confidence to look at the long rule. One final thing – you asked if your folks if they were not making money – if they followed the models they should have – unless they got locked into the SMI indicator and other models that uses SMI.. I dropped using SMI and related models when you provided Boss 100 and Boss 100/500 models which I switched to. Anyway thanks to you and the team for what you do , for the training you provide and hopefully will report to you by end of year that we made FY money. Stay safe.
Bobby Dietz - Portfolio Boss Founders Club Member

I Honestly Can't Imagine Not Having Portfolio Boss In My Life
I honestly can’t imagine not having Portfolio Boss in my life—and pray it never goes away—since it has made such an impact on my trading success. I have a robust 29 strategies running that gives me the peace of mind that even in a crazy volatile market, I can count on stable returns for as long as I’m alive. I love that Portfolio Boss continues to evolve and provides the opportunity to continue creating strategies that pull money from the market!
Josh Jarrett - Portfolio Boss Founders Club Member

Hi Dan, Happy Groundhog Day From The Snowy Suburbs Of Chicago!
2020 was truly a breakout trading year for me: 72% in a Roth IRA – giving thanks to God for William Roth! Tax-free! I have also been trading an SPY/QQQ multi-strategy using micro e-minis with ever so slight leverage. I have been burned in the past using too much leverage. I'm very curious to see whether the cyber code can find some tradable SPY and/or QQQ strategies. I have started working on a framework for increased charitable giving and very excited about the possibilities. Looking forward to 2021. Thank you for the Founders Club plaque and for a truly tremendous trading tool, Dan and team! Best regards.
Chris Daniel - Portfolio Boss Founders Club Member

I Couldn't Be Happier Working With Portfolio Boss
Dear Dan, I couldn't be happier working with Portfolio Boss. I have been with your team since its inception. I go way back and I can tell you that I have had many subscriptions and many money managers throughout my trading career of over 30 years. What I learned from all of them combined pales in comparison to what I learn from you.
I love your core ideas of:
– Relaxed Trading
– Rigorous BackTesting
– AI evaluation
– Portfolio & Strategy Switching (with so many levers to tweak and experiment with.)
– Addition of new Instruments like Crypto Currency & BitCoins
– While continually honing in on efficient trading by minimizing draw-downs and maximizing returns.
I get far better sleep and am even pursuing my PhD in Quantum Integrated Medicine while trading with your fabulous tool and incredible observations that you continue to share with us. Thanks is too small a word – but since I can't come up with much else. So, I'll just say many thanks. Also, I've attached a copy of my picture with the founder's plaque your team sent me. Warm Regards & Best Wishes to everyone on your team and most of all to you.
Nalini Uhrig - Portfolio Boss Founders Club Member

More Than Happy With The Current Results and The Performance / Results Achieved To Date
Hi Dan, Am currently trading a couple of Systems that “THE BOSS” came up with, And am more than happy with the current results and the performance / results achieved to date. Trading as a business, and as in any having the correct tools makes all the difference. Find the type of trading that suits you, whether it’s day trading in chat rooms trading stocks like Gamestop. GME, or whether a slightly longer term approach works for you. A funny story there is a company on the ASX ( Australian Stock Exchange ) with the same stock code as Gamestop (GME.ASX) this company is not related in anyway in to Gamestop. In fact this company Mines Nickel and yet this stock almost doubled just because it had the same ticker GME as GameStop and had to be placed in a trading halt. My point I prefer to be removed from the daily NOISE of chat rooms and the like. When I came across Portfolio Boss the thing that intrigued me was that the software was different It had the ability to rank Stocks based on different criteria. The rest as they say is history. Thanks Dan, keep up the good work.
Richard Coombe - Portfolio Boss Founders Club Member

I Certainly Owe You After All The Money You Have Helped Me Make Over The Years
Hey Dan, Here is a quick photo of me with my plaque. I also have been meaning to send you a note about my story, which I certainly owe you after all the money you have helped me make over the years. When I started trading with you a few years ago I had never bought or sold a stock on my own before. Back then you were doing swing trades on the S&P, and that got me started with some very clear signals that earned me some nice early profits. I continued following your services as you evolved over the next few years from the S&P focus to trading various indexes and stocks with programs like Crash Canary and Atlas Order and finally landed on DB Transactions, which has served me well for several years. Then you came up with Portfolio Boss and I learned how to use it to generate my signals and saw my profits get more consistent. My trading moved to the next level when I decided to join the Unite program and become a member of the Founder’s Club. That opened up the full set of PB tools and all your available programs for me. I started trying them out over time with good results and a few ups and downs with the market the last couple of years. This past July I decided to ramp up the focus on my trading by tracking my daily progress across all my strategies. The timing couldn’t have been better as the market was just taking off after the COVID crash. I experimented with a few different strategies until I landed on one that stood out above the rest and focused my efforts on it for the remainder of the year. The results were amazing. I saw my account increase by 50% between July and December. I actually made significantly more money during this time from trading than I did from my regular job, which pays quite well itself. I know it was a unique time in the market with the central banks blowing a very big bubble, but the point is that by applying The Boss I was able to turn that event into a stunning profit. I am now seriously considering the possibility of retiring soon and just focusing on trading if I continue to see results like these. I would not have thought I would be in that position yet, and it is thanks in large part to these tools that you have so generously shared. Dan, I really can’t thank you enough for the financial difference that you have made for me and my family. All the best!
Anthony (Tony) Russell - Portfolio Boss Founders Club Member

Been Doing Very Well Following The Boss
Hi Dan, Big shout out from Canada eh. Been doing very well following The Boss. I used The Boss to build a strategy that trades the Canadian Index TSX for part of my account. Its been doing very well averaging 18-20%. As we know the DB strategies, Ping Pong, and others are killing it, with returns over 40%. On a personal note, I retired in 2020, after successfully hitting my number. Thanks to Portfolio Boss. In March 2020, during that drop in the market, we had some losses in February and March, I stopped trading because I was so close to retirement. I didn’t want to suffer heavy losses. That said I missed the summer and fall rally. I deviated from a winning strategy and missed part of the most amazing rally ever. It is tough trying to ignore those pesky personal biases. Thanks The Boss Team for all you do.
Greg Shende - Portfolio Boss Founders Club Member

Thank You For Your Willingness To Help Others and Your Dedication To Them
Dan, I have been following you for quite a few years. I struggled along most of those years but your videos and letters gave me hope and guidance. Since the boss has come out things are a lot more consistent but I am still very cautious and limit my exposure. Too many hard lessons learned in the past I guess. I wish I was the profit machine some of your members are but… I run a business of my own so can’t dedicate as much time to your training as I would like or need but I am confident when I retire soon that a constant income will be there. Your DB Platinum is working great. I try to develop my own strategies but have now found the right set up yet. It is fun to try though. Thank you for your willingness to help others and your dedication to them.
David Light - Portfolio Boss Founders Club Member

The Structure In Your Trading System Would Help Any Trader
Hi Dan, I have been significantly distracted because of covid from learning all the possibilities of the Boss, but what I have used and learnt helped me to have my best 7 digit year! What impresses me most is that I was able to do this while only being 2/3 invested at one anytime. I bought my first shares 43 years ago at the age of fifteen. Over those years I have found to be a successful trader it requires a disciplined approach to all the various steps in a trade. Your simplest SPY system helps me deal with my largest trading weakness and that is to stay in the trade until it’s done. The structure in your trading systems would help any trader. Thank you!
Russ Lang - Portfolio Boss Founders Club Member
Lee Greer - Portfolio Boss Member Testimonial Video
Dan Carey - Portfolio Boss Member Testimonial Video
Gary Hoff - Portfolio Boss Member Testimonial Video
And Even More Testimonials From Our Clients....

The equity curve is certainly looking exponential.
Here are my results as of close today 1.20.21 trading
the Portfolio Boss since August 2014.
Baseline $110,868
Balance 1.20.21 $480,444
+333.3% Return.
The equity curve is certainly looking exponential.

I thank you from the bottom of my heart.
I want to tell you a story of an Australian Guy who has been trying to trade successfully, Profitably for over 21 years. He has blown up most of his money and countless trade accounts in that time, and yet he has never given up on becoming a profitable trader, so as to support himself. He keeps another plaque above his desk that is a quote from Sir Winston Churchill.
“Success is based on countless failures without losing inspiration.” This Guy has been a follower of Dan Murphy since his Facebook Million Dollar challenge, and has always kept in touch with Dan Murphy in some way via social media. This Guy had put down serious money to purchase Dan Murphy's latest “Portfolio Boss” programme back in late 2019. He had saved some more cash left over to trade after working as a truck driver for 35 years. Since his first trades using Portfolio Boss he has for the first time in
his life been profitable. He now has enough money to place his 91 year old Father in a Nursing home, and is only driving 3 days a week. This Guy owes his good fortune for staying with his beliefs, and also for never giving up on his dreams of becoming a successful trader who can support his Family now. That is my story. I Thank You Dan from the bottom of my Heart.

I am proud to be a part of this journey with you.
As a math nerd I have been knee-deep into algorithmic trading for the
past 20+ years, all the way back when using command lines instead of a
cool UI was the go-to solution to process market data! So I saw
immediate value in Portfolio Boss back in 2014 as a way to streamline a
good portion of my work process. But what made me take a leap of faith
with you was undoubtedly how genuine you were about the whole project.
And Dan, people like yourself are rare enough in this business to stick
with. The Unite upgrade was the best of all for my use case. My message to you is two-fold. First, performance is REAL. And I mean true performance, not just the headline return or money number, but the risk-adjusted kind. Second, as a person who has been trading for a living for a long while, I can testify to the fact that Portfolio Boss is not just a valid trading solution catering to the retail trader with an aim to open the opaque doors of algorithmic trading. It is also a powerful solution for professionals who will find value in it to complement, sharpen and enhance their existing suite of trading systems like I did. I have been in this business long enough to tell you that Portfolio Boss' processing power and speed are top notch and a testament to Ruud's programming work. I have been holding Ruud in extremely high-esteem since we all started 6 years ago. This gentleman knows his craft. He is a gem to your company. Try processing in Amibroker just a portion of the daily data crunched in Portfolio Boss and you will see.
No contest. Your Cyber Code upgrade definitely picked my curiosity and I cannot wait to take it for a spin. I guess the only two (much more basic) things that I have been looking forward to is PB merely saving the tabs layout after closing it! And the ability to import custom (static) instruments
for research purposes. As in, get the Open/High/Low/Close data in a CSV
file and import it as a custom non-updatable instrument. That feature alone would allow to expand backtesting to more obscure instruments that your users would have static historical data for such as currencies, cryptos and foreign equities, without your company having to incur any extra data cost. Anyways, my last words will go to your team. I have dealt directly with
Ruud, Ellen and Adam in the past and have nothing but good things to say
about them. Portfolio Boss is what I came for, but no joke, your and
your team's ethics and honesty is why I am sticking around. I am proud to be a part of this journey with you all and I truly came to consider you Dan as a partner rather than just a guy selling a piece of software. You deserve every bit of success that is coming at you and I wish you and your team nothing but the very best. You all have a great weekend.

You have no idea how grateful I am to you.
I am an original PB member since 2014. You have no idea how grateful I am to you. Very very grateful. So appreciative. I believe that you have invented the best trading strategy or one of the best trading strategies that has ever been created . So simple yet it genius. I was a losing trader before I met you. Now I beat the market every year and have total confidence and I can relax and stop worrying. And the very thing best thing is that you keep giving of yourself to those us who paid a one-time fee 4 years ago. The emails that you send to us with your very accurate and insightful assessment of the Market is invaluable. Especially the SMI signal that you share with us. I, like you, love to give back to others, because humanity certainly needs help right now. You are selflessly giving to us and I will never take it for granted. I hope you will allow us to follow you for the rest of your trading days. Thank you Dan, you are very smart man and a very good person. The best to you always.

I made over 100% in the last 12 months!
I made over 100% in the last 12 months and I couldn’t have done it without PB so I wanted to say thanks for it. I’m also really looking forward to all the advances you’ve been posting about recently and for project 88. Happy Thanksgiving!

Clear and Easy to understand.
Clear and Easy to understand. This is perfect for 401K trading. 401ks usually have SP500 and US treasuries as options for your money and you can change the percentage. You could do this yourself and not have to pay someone a percentage to do it for you when you retire.

Knowing there is a way to predict downturns and upturns in the market.
Knowing there is a way to predict downturns and upturns in the market. I feel confident you have a good strategy and it has been well tested. I liked the smart money and dumb money information. I appreciated you telling us who is the smart money and who is the dumb money. This is excellent information.

You're a Genius.
You're a Genius. I never would have thought the [REDACTED] COT Category. You're a generous man sharing this. I read it right through... glued in. Well written. Many millionaire followers to be made. God Bless.

Your description of an amateur trader was right on the mark.
Your description of an amateur trader was right on the mark. I read I listen to so called experts to only find myself more confused and I make poor investment decisions.

You described it perfectly.
I fall into that category of investor that tries to figure out what the market is going to do by exploring charts and gathering data, unfortunately, I barely keep my head above water and have always wondered why the market goes in a direction that the charts don't clearly indicate which leaves me scrambling to save what I can. You described it perfectly.

Easy read. Sound methodology
Easy read. Sound methodology - I really like that you are using a very different source of data from the norm - hence its power.

I like hearing your story...
I like hearing your story of your original theory/idea and discovery of the Z point and verification; p. 16-19. It has all the elements of a great story - a quandary, the inspiration, the hard work, the success (ta-da!).

We will contact you once we review your application.
*Please note that not all applicants are accepted.
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Government required disclaimer: The results listed herein are based on hypothetical trades. Plainly speaking, these trades were not actually executed. Hypothetical or simulated performance results have certain inherent limitations. Unlike an actual performance record, simulated results do not represent actual trading. Also, since the trades have not actually been executed, the results may have under (or over) compensated for the impact, if any, of certain market factors such as lack of liquidity. You may have done better or worse than the results portrayed.