
If you can see this message, you are one of our VIP clients.

You’re the motivation that keeps Dan developing new and better ways to bring hedge fund level returns to Main Street traders.

As a thank you, Dan and I would like to extend a special invitation to a few of our top clients (you included) to have him and his team completely overhaul your portfolio.

Upgrading every aspect, bigger gains, more consistency, and most importantly safety with nearly perfect hedging.

Just one of these tweaks increased profits by an additional 42% on Dan’s personal portfolio.

You may have seen a few weeks ago, we offered a new service for the first time …

A $40,000 dollar mentorship bundle.

The core of the offer was one-on-one training with Dan. Where users would learn firsthand how to optimize their portfolio and strategies.

Discovering all the techniques that he’s developing as he puts together his hedge fund.

Obviously, the one-on-one mentorship was the main draw but …

We were astounded to hear that the people who took us up on it considered the side benefit as valuable as the main event!

In fact, we even had some people asking if they could forgo the mentoring altogether and just have our team do this process for them.

Maybe we should have guessed …

After all, who wouldn’t be interested in getting all of the results without all the work?

After hearing so many requests …

Dan gathered the team to talk about if it was possible to implement this on a wider scale …

We went over the logistics of it back and forth for quite some time.

It was nothing we ever planned on offering widely …

It would take an immense amount of manhours …

From the team as well as Dan personally.

After much deliberation, we finally realized that as great as it would be for everyone to have these hedgefund level insights applied to their portfolios.

It just wasn’t feasible …

We thought about offering a training program. Showing people how they could apply these processes to their own portfolios.

But the risks of these sensitive operations being handled by anyone but an expert were too great.

Someone raised the idea of Dan and the team personally handling it …

They were the only ones with the expertise to pull it off without risking disaster.

But we did the math, and it was out of the question.

Applying these processes for every Portfolio Boss user would take almost a decade.

It’s too complex of a process and requires too much effort for us to do on a wide scale.

Offering it to everyone who was interested was out of the question.

Which is why we decided to reach out to a few of our best customers.

You are invited to have us optimize every single aspect of your portfolio for you.

We’re talking about a complete overhaul, from the strategies you use to the MetaMLs that analyze them and everything in between.

(Not to mention a new method that goes beyond applying a single MetaML to a batch of strategies. This new process offers true diversification, security, and consistency, in even the most extreme markets.)

All of this without you having to lift a finger …

And that’s not even the best part.

We’re in the holiday spirit.

So it won’t cost you the $40,000 people originally paid to access it.

This is your chance to have Dan and the team personally look over your strategies.

Applying the latest techniques he’s developed as he starts his hedge fund …

And we’re not even going to charge Dan’s day rate of $25,000.

Despite the fact that each account will take more than a full day's man hours.

The simple truth is we’re not offering you this service to make ourselves money.

We’re only charging enough to pay the team for their time and continue our operations.

We want to give back to the core community that’s been there for us.

After all, it’s Christmas …

And this is what you asked for …

Click here to claim your chance to upgrade your portfolio to hedge fund level income, consistency, and safety — without doing any extra work.

Merry Christmas, and thank you for being part of the Portfolio Boss community,

Adam Kaye

Director, VIP Client Relations

Portfolioboss, Inc

P.S. These are the same kinds of techniques used by top-performing “quantitative hedge funds” like Medallion. This fund has averaged 66% returns over 31 years and is almost perfectly hedged against downturns in the financial markets. Even during black swan events like the financial crisis of 2008 and the dot com crash, this fund returned 74.6% and 56.6%, respectively.

We hope you take us up on this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to experience the power and safety of a true quantitative overhaul of your portfolio. Practically turning you into a one-man hedge fund.